What is Live Well Aware?
Live Well Aware is a wellbeing initiative designed to support professionals who may not typically seek mainstream services if relying on alcohol or other substances to manage stress. The initiative offers flexible, confidential support, including weekend availability and options outside traditional 9–5 hours. Support can be delivered in person or digitally, based on individual preferences.
When we first launched this work, I was struck by research from Education Support (2021), which found that 29% of teachers and education staff turn to alcohol to cope with work-related stress and anxiety. This highlights the need for accessible, non-judgmental support tailored specifically to professionals in educational settings.
Free Training Available
We also offer free training to help individuals and line managers feel more confident and compassionate when approaching conversations with colleagues who may be struggling with alcohol or substance use. The training is practical, incorporating screening tools and focusing on interpersonal skills for effective brief interventions.
Published: March 17