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All about HeadStart
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Headstart was introduced in Middlesbrough in 2013 as a Public Health South Tees initiative with the vision to –
‘Give all children and young people in South Tees the necessary support to build resilience to achieve good emotional health’
This ambitious programme seeks to do this by:
- Supporting children and young people aged 0-19 to cope in better in difficult circumstances and do well in school and in life.
- Building resilience in children and young people to prevent the onset of common mental health problems.
- Learning from different approaches and contribute to an evidence base for investment in prevention and early intervention.
- Developing an early intervention and prevention model to provide support in school, at home, in the community and virtually.
- Developing a co-production model with children and their families.
Predicated on evidence-based resilience therapy (Hart and Blincow)
HeadStart delivery comprises:
- Training for professionals to upskill and inform
- Quality audits to embed a resilient approach across organisations
- HeadStarters – emotional wellbeing training
- Mental Health Leads in Schools and networks to support whole school approaches
- Interventions for children and young people to provide help at an early stage
- Information, advice and guidance through this website, social media, newsletters etc.