Congratulations to our latest HeadStarters at Highcliffe Primary School for completing their Bronze and Silver Awards! 🎉🌟
They have demonstrated not only academic excellence but also an in-depth understanding and advocacy for mental health wellness. Two students even stepped up as part of their ambassador role, delivering the Bronze award and achieving their Gold. Their passion and dedication are truly an inspiration to us all.
Their plans and enthusiasm to share their learning during Mental Health Awareness Week is commendable, especially focusing on the importance of movement to enhance everyone’s wellbeing.
The Headstarters will be sharing posters highlighting Mental Health Awareness Week across school and helping to lead playtime activities.
The rest of the group are excited to start their Gold award in the new academic year.
‘I have learnt not to doubt myself ‘- YR 4
‘I have learnt about the 5 ways to wellbeing. I like connecting and giving’ – Yr4
‘I’ve enjoyed learning about what wellbeing is all about. I used to feel like I struggled but HeadStarters has helped me be able to deal with’ – YR4
‘I’ve enjoyed working with other children who haven’t worked with before. I’ve learnt not to assume things about how people feel’. – Yr5
‘I’ve enjoyed spending time with my friends and expressing my feelings to help me understand them’. – YR 5
‘I’ve enjoyed learning about what stigma means’ YR5
‘I’ve enjoyed learning that it’s good to express my feelings and spending time with friends’ Yr5
‘I’ve enjoyed learning about kindness’ – YR4
‘I’ve enjoyed learning about how to help myself and other people when they are upset’ – YR5
‘I have loved everything about HeadStarters! I’ve learnt that anything is possible when you put your mind to it!’ – YR4
‘HeadStarters has helped me learn how to regulate my emotions’. – YR6
‘I’m always excited to go to HeadStarters because we can talk about how we feel and no one judges. Everyone is kind to each other’. – YR6
The Headstarters at Highcliffe have been encouraging all the children across school to spread kindness. After reading ‘How to fill a bucket?’, the children came up with the idea of each class having a Kindness Bucket. If the children see another child being kind, they can write or draw about it and pop the note into the bucket. They have delivered the Kindness Buckets to each class from Nursery to Year 6. The Headstarters hope that the buckets will fill up really quickly and can’t wait to read about some of the kind acts which have been spotted around school!
Published: May 7