Working together to support adults and unpaid carers…
Welcome to the latest issue of our joint Adult Social Care and Public
Health newsletter.
It was great to see so many of you at our recent staff engagement
sessions at Inspire 2 Learn. The presentations from the sessions are
now available on Tri-X. I hope you found the sessions useful and
enjoyed catching up with colleagues as we discussed ideas for building
on our joint working between Adult Social Care and Public Health to
better support adults and unpaid carers.
It was great to hear from the Junction and their Multibank initiative at the
staff engagement. Practitioners who would like to sign up as referral
partners can do so here.
Referral partners will then receive a weekly
inventory of the goods that are available that week and a link to an order
form. Further information is available on The Junction’s website here
As I communicated in my email on 31st January 2025 we have received
a draft Care Quality Commission Assurance report. We followed the
process regarding checking the contents and factual accuracy of the
report and submitted a response back to the Care Quality Commission.
The full detail will not be available until the final report is published; at
this stage I am still not sure when that will be. Further details will be
shared just before the final report is published.
This issue of the newsletter contains lots of information including Adult
Social Care’s plans for World Social Work Day and Practice Week,
important guidance from the Information Governance and Data
Protection team and a spotlight article on the resources available to
signpost adults to support services.
I hope you continue to find this newsletter helpful. If you have any
suggestions for focused topics or good news stories, please contact
Published: March 3