A huge well done to St. Gerards Catholic Primary School Year 5 HeadStarters who completed their Bronze Award training last week. The group of 24 students have worked incredibly well to achieve their Bronze Award, having started the pathway in the summer term of 2021/22 as Year 4s.
During their training, the children have looked at topics including being a good friend, identifying moods, coping with stress, the ups and downs of life and supporting others.
To complete their Bronze Award, all of the HeadStarters took part in a final “test” last week in which they used their learning to create support plans for a new student facing a number of mental health and emotional wellbeing issues.
The HeadStarters will begin their Silver Award soon to use their learning to positively impact the emotional wellbeing of others within their local + school communities.
Well done everyone!
Published: November 10