St Margaret Clitherow’s Catholic Primary School strive to achieve excellence in every endeavour they undertake and mental wellbeing has been a great importance to the school. Year 5 pupils have been working with the HeadStart Team to become mental health champions, emotional wellbeing ambassadors or as we like to call them HeadStarters.
These HeadStarters have been working with Julie to learn more about how to look after their mind and manage their emotions. Every week they have shown their commitment to their learning and their creativity to the projects which show others what they have learnt. They have produced some marvellous stories, outstanding poetry and phenomenal posters.
These young people have accomplished so much in the last 5 weeks and appreciate the need to look after their mind by undertaking the 5 ways to wellbeing as well as making time for self-care. They can see how looking after their wellbeing can build their resilience.
The HeadStart Team are excited to see how these HeadStarters will make a positive impact on their school community. We are sure this work will be innovative and inspiring just like them!
Published: October 17