We know you spend months preparing for exam time. You want your students to achieve the best results they can, because you know how capable they are.
However, it’s important to listen to your own advice around coping with exam stress and anxiety.
Just like how you’d tell your students not to push themselves too hard, to make time for relaxation and to prioritise their wellbeing over their results, this is your reminder to do the same this exam season Wendy.
Support for pupils
Sometimes young people find it easier to take onboard advice from people their own age. Share this guide to exam self-care with your pupils. It’s written by a previous Activist of ours, Rose. She talks about her favourite ways to look after your mental health while revising for exams and why exam self-care is so important.
Here are some more resources that could be used to support your pupils during exam season…
Butterfly of balance activity: helps pupils identify the things that they can do to release the pressure of revision and exams and help find a good balance of work and rest.
Stress bucket activity: can be used 1:1 or in groups to help pupils identify what exactly is causing them stress and the things they can do to reduce it.
Mindfulness activities: can be used 1:1 or in groups to help pupils manage their exam anxiety.
Support for parents and carers
Exam time can be stressful for all the family. If parents and carers are concerned about how their child is coping with exams, or worried about their wellbeing, we recommend they check out our designated parent/carer guide.
⭐ Have our team chat to parents and carers at your school ⭐
Got an SEN or parent event coming up at your school? Our Parent Engagement Officers can virtually attend your event to raise awareness of our Parents Helpline and the range of online support resources available to parents and carers on our website.
Our presentations are delivered over Teams or Zoom and are friendly and informal. They can vary in length depending on your time slot, and we’ll make sure that there’s plenty of time for questions and comments.